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To My Bestfriend.... B.

My bestfriend was one of the first men that I genuinely ever loved, and still love. B and I started off as a couple years ago, and even with that not working, we have always kept love and respect for one another. He seriously is my heart and I'd do anything for him. Not a lot of people are blessed with the opportunity to have true friends, we may have friends, but I am talking about true friends that will be there through thick and thin and ride your life rollercoaster with you. B was there before the adult Briahna, before the tamed Briahna, before the Briahna and Allen.... he was there through all major markers of my life and still continues to be one of my major support systems. If there is one person that I tell I love you to everyday, it is him. When you discover that you have a true friendship with someone, my main advice to you is to do everything to keep that friendship together and strong because you just might not get another one like it. I have known B since my freshman year of high school and our friendship has surpassed relationships, women who I thought would be in my life eternally, hell, even some relationships that I have had with family... my relationship with him has been present past them all and I kinda think we both slept on it for the longest time. I think that through meeting two people that we thought were our soulmates, and leaving them, we got a lot closer than we thought we would and connected on so many levels. My bestfriend, he was the one I called when I thought I was pregnant and he was the one that held my hand. My bestfriend, he was the one that kept it real with me most times and said men weren't shit. It's something amazing about having a guy bestfriend because I can literally text him asking what this means from a guy and he will keep it real. He always keeps it real with me. My bestfriend.... if I live to be old (based on my personal definition) and I am unmarried and still wanting a child, he will be the person to help me get what it is that I want because our love for each other is just like that. As I sit up and think about all the things to say about you, B... I struggle because I may not express it to you everyday, but I am wayyy beyond grateful and thankful for you. I have went through my share of relationships and friendships with men and this is the one man that has not deceived me. The one man that has not torn me down where I stood.... the one man that hasn't seen me for only sex and tried to take advantage of me. My love for him is unexplainable and everlasting. If you can't sit up and get sensitive over your bestfriend when talking about your trials and tribulations, are they really your bestfriend because just blogging about this has me on edge. When you find a friendship, a bond, a relationship similar to what we may have... don't be lazy in it. Don't think that you don't have to put in work to keep the bond present because you do. There will never be another person, situation, obstacle... whatever to dismantle your place in my life, bestfriend.... and I love you. 


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