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I'm Summer Ready, Baby...

When I blow out my candles on my 21st birthday, the only thing that I wish for is guidance. I don't want the clothes, the money, nothing else but guidance and a somewhat clear idea of what direction I need to go in. I am lost and I just want to know what it is that I need to do and where it is that I need to go in order to be "found". This summer, I have been anxious for the longest time to get to my 21st birthday just to pop bottles, but I don't want that anymore. I'm over doing wild and crazy things and I simply want to just get my life together. I walk into the summer with my head slightly lowered, but a bit optimistic because I set new goals for myself. I want to go to church throughout the summer, I want to learn how to swim, I want to have fun, I want to spend more time with family and friends, I want to see and try new things... I want to no longer make my summers about work and sleep. I want to take this time away from school to mentally prepare for school going into my last year and come back with my bat swinging. I want my confidence to stick, my drive for education to come back, my relationships with people to stay solid. I just want to be guided in the right direction to get to those things and reach happiness. On that strawberry-vodka cake that will be sitting on that hotel table on July 26th, I wont just blow out those few candles just to hurry up and get back to the Patron. For that first candle, I'll blow it out wishing for true happiness and whatever that entails. Candle two, I will  blow it out wishing for a clear direction towards where I need to go in life, and if it is slightly foggy, assistance getting through it. Candle three, peace and maturity... because I hope to continue to face problems later down the line without experiencing hatred and negativity. And if I am blessed with that fourth candle (because I don't want too many)... let that fourth candle hold the wish for me to develop a closer relationship with God, because I want and need it. I'm summer ready, baby.... 


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