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Committed or Not?

On Facebook, I read a post that a guy made that said, "What is so hard about being faithful and focusing on one person?" And, I read that post and shook my head and said, I don't understand what is so hard about it either. Maybe, we just all need to be out here hoeing around since everybody is for everybody. Maybe we just need to all stop giving a damn about breaking each other's hearts and focusing on what makes the other person happy because we get our heart's broken anyway. I feel his frustration and I ask myself all the time, what is the point in getting to know someone, getting used to someone, and then in return giving your heart to someone just for it to be broken? What is the point in fixing your mouth to say that there is no one else, or that you will put forth the effort to make things work... just to catch you with someone else and get my messages ignored all day? So, I in return ask, what is the point in trying to be committed? We go out into the dating circuit, some of us, with high hopes of finding this "love" thing again, and come out stabbed in the heart. We get embarrassed, again... we get lied to, again.... and yet we still manage to pick ourselves back up and toss our own selves in the pit of wolves and retry. I don't know how many times after I have crawled out of that pit that I have wondered why the hell am I trying so bad to find something that just might not be there. A lot of people in my generation believe that it simply just is not in people's nature to spend an entire lifetime being committed to one person, so we should expect inconsistency, lack of commitment, and disappointment at some point. Do you know how scary that is to think about? Do you know how scary it is to constantly start over and fight yourself searching for this pain to come because it is just bound to happen? It is just expected for the person that you meet to come into your life as this perfect person, that happens to change the very second that you make it known that your heart is now out of body, being placed into their hands. We are all placed into situations where our commitment to a person is tested, but my question is, why is it so easy for some people to resist that urge and it is so easy for other people to fall for it? When I saw that question on Facebook, it sparked emotion within me because.... why is it hard to NOT hurt someone that you claim you care about? Why is it hard to not cheat, to not harm, to respect, to love a person that you care about "so much"? And maybe that is where the people on the opposite end of the stick are blind, because if those people really cared.... being committed would not be hard. So, I ask myself after reading through all that I just said... why the hell am I wanting to be committed so bad and I just might be the only one committed in a relationship? Why am I looking so hard to find that person that I see a future with when I already expect to be heartbroken? What determines whether or not it is really worth it? 


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