So, this morning, I came to realize that my parents were right, lol. They were right about dating, school, life.... they were just right. As a teenager, I felt like I lived in a very strict household because my parents wouldn't let me date like my friends were allowed to, or they wouldn't let me go to any co-ed parties when everyone else was able to... but now I realize the meaning behind them always telling me no and giving me those hour-long lectures. Throughout middle school and high school, I was a tad bit boy-crazed in the sense where I always called myself having a boyfriend despite my parents telling me that I was not able to. I would sneak around and they would always find out about it as if they already knew what I was gonna do and who it was going to involve. Every time my parents found out, they would give me these hour long lectures telling me about how boys were and all that they wanted. Me feeling as if I was super smart and well-informed about everything, felt as if they were always wrong and not every guy was out to hurt me and make a fool of me. My parents taught me the value in saving yourself and carrying yourself with respect, because if you do not respect yourself, a young man will not. Expect to stand there and turn a boy loose if he did not know to open your doors, and avoid uneducated guys that sagged. I honestly used to think that the things they said were a tad much, but as I have been out on the dating market on the past few months, all the things that they taught me became MANDATORY for any man that I date. Even though my parents were tough and gave me hell, they set the foundation or the type of woman that I am today. When I wake up and think about why I am in college and getting a degree, it is because they pushed me to get there and became inspirations. I told you all before that my mom only had a semester of community college, and in addition to that, my dad had nothing further than a high school diploma. I spent a lot of time watching how they moved financially and as adults in general and some problems that they had, I feel like they wouldn't have had them if they were college-educated. I appreciate them in that sense because they always told me to go and get educated despite the decisions that they made so that I wont have to deal with the problems that they dealt with. I grew up on "anything lower than an A, you can do better" and "choose a major that will guarantee you a stable job". I took their advice on those things unknowingly and appreciatively. I am sitting here typing to you today, one year away from my first degree. My parents told me to not date and wait until I get my career established in order to do so.... they were right. Up until last semester, I was able to manage a relationship and my academics without mixing the two. At some point, I let the two mingle in together and allowed my relationship to effect my success in college, which almost caused me to fail. Being attentive and not being stubborn towards what my parents said may have resulted in a different outcome for me if I actually listened. Most teenagers find it hard to listen to their parents simply because they are our PARENTS, but we sometimes forget that they were in our positions once before and they actually understand what we mean we say that school is hard or that we experienced a heartbreak. For their lessons, their hour long lectures, and tough love.... I thank them.
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