Concerning ourselves with the actions of others is what steers us away from our own journeys. What I mean is, when we busy ourselves with what the next person has on, what the next person says about us, or trying to put the next person down, we are stopping our journey just to invest in theirs. We are stopping our journey just to brighten their light, while darkening our own. My grandfather is the number one person that I think of when I say this because, he always makes it a habit of staying in his own lane. My grandfather is always worrying about bettering himself and others around him versus worrying about what anyone has to say about him and what it is that he is trying to do. Saying this is super easy to do, but I am human and doing this definitely takes practice and time. When people make it a habit to speak on my character, I used to be quick to retaliate with comments and negativity, but I told you once before that negativity is contagious and addictive. Always snapping back on people that tried to harm me was addictive and I learned to ignore it and stay positive through it because all the people that speak on my character do not know me. I had a reality check when I talked to my grandfather about this person or that person that was saying this about me and he responded with "so, what?" It caught me off guard because I had been so upset and bothered by what this person had stated about me and he simply said "so, what?' I asked him, "What do you mean, so what? They were talking about me and they need to be checked.." and he went on to tell me that people are going to speak on your character whether you're rich or poor, happy or unhappy, single or in a relationship, it does not matter, people who are focused on your life are going to find any excuse to have your name and anything else associated with you in their mouths. What can you do, fight everyone that talks about you or throw a fit each time? Your life does not stop simply because somebody said you were ugly, or easy... your bills are still due at the end of the month, school still starts in a week, and there are still responsibilities, so let it go. When I took that time to give those people attention, I dimmed my light and brightened theirs and that's way worse than losing my cool over things that were not factual. We embarrass ourselves when we do things like that and that is what my grandfather was trying to explain to me. If I take anything away from him, it would definitely be to mind my business and be the bigger person in all situations regardless of whether I feel like it pays off to do that or not. Staying in our own lanes takes restraint, for one, because we live in a world surrounded by nosy people that value being nosy. Ignoring the things being said about us takes even more restraint, but a lot of confidence as well. I say confidence because, if you know that what someone has said about you is not true, then it should not be able to remove you from a state of peace and happiness. It should not be able to be powerful enough to pause your own journey and speed up theirs.
Girlfriends was by far one of the best television shows that I grew up watching, and still watch to this day... and when I think about the type of women/social circle that I would like to be around, Joan, Toni, Mya, and Lynn is exactly what it would look like. I remember starting off the sixth grade and traveling up until high school with a huge social circle filled with all these different types of girls and young women with varied personalities, values, and beliefs. Throughout that time, my social circle remained large, but there were some tweaks here and there and some people were not meant to last. What I mean is, we outgrow some relationships, we drain out some relationships, and we sometimes stop putting forth the effort to keep up effective relationships. Over the course of those years, I developed a lot of meaningful relationships and developed a slight sense of what type of people I wanted to be surrounded by. One of the major adjustments that I had throughout graduat...
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