Whether you want to sleep with one dude one day, and sleep with another the next week is your business as long as your protect yourself, move responsibly, and keep it discrete. Whether you want to drop out of a four-year university and enroll in culinary school the following semester is your business, because as long as your decision makes you happy, what else really matters? If you want to work for years and retire early just to up and leave Saint Louis and go live in China, do it if that makes you happy. Live your best life. I think that... a lot of people are prevented from living their best life for three reasons. The first one being, personal fears. The second one being, pressures and opinions from bystanders/outsiders. With the last reason being, excuses. Let me explain...
The first reason that I believe that people are being prevented from living their best lives are because of the battles that they face within themselves. Sometimes, we fear putting ourselves in situations that would be better for us, simply because we fear the unknown. We fear not knowing what taking a new route entails, even though we know the overall result would be better for us. And then, we also find comfort in being in the same positions sometimes. We would prefer to deal with people and situations that we are familiar with, along with taking on their problems, instead of dealing with new people and new problems that you don't know about. Even when those old people and old problems are detrimental, we still keep ourselves in them because we convince ourselves that they are supposed to be a part of us "living our best life". We simply just fear giving ourselves the best even when we state that the best is all that we ever want. We say that we want the best relationship, and many times we are presented with the right candidates, but we stay in these two plus year relationships dealing with cheaters, abusers, disappointers, and etc. just because we fear of going to what is better.
Whether or not pressures and opinions from others has something to do with living effectively is a huge contribution, as well. A lot of things that we want to do that could make us happy, sometimes we don't do because we care too much about what other people think. We... go to college, not because we want to, but because family pressures us to, when in all actuality, we want to simply work at GM because that is what makes us most happy. Or, how about, we don't talk to this good woman or guy because other people might think that person is not good enough for you or attractive. Or let's take it a bit further and say that, you're a person with a lot of sexual curiosity and you want to experiment, but you are not in a consistent relationship. Society rides heavy on the "hoe" label, so we don't do what makes us most happy. Although a controversial idea, if sleeping with one or two men a week is what makes you happy and sparks joy in your life.... do it. Keep your bedroom business to yourself, protect yourself, stay getting check ups, and just be responsible. But, I am a huge supporter of living your life in a way that brings you the most joy and keeps you healthy. When we sit up and place the opinions of others of higher importance than our own wants and needs, we deprive ourselves of a lot of happiness and opportunities. We should practice putting our wants and needs of higher value sometimes and learn to ignore what people have to say, as well.
And lastly, what about excuses preventing people from living their best lives? The excuses that... "I really want to be in this position or do this, but it is not the right time" or... "I want to leave him, but....." are typical reasons as to why we cannot get ahead. We make excuses for people all the time, which brings us back to letting our fears get in the way of what is best. I personally do not think that there will be any type of growth through staying in situations and with people that keep us comfortable. You have to learn to be uncomfortable in order to get through this obstacle, to this position, through this situation with this person, you know? But, people act as if they don't know this. As if, following your dreams is not what is best, or leaving that person that causes you harm is not common sense... as if not taking relationship advice from a person that has never had a decent relationship is not common sense. I want for everybody to live in a manner that provides them the best happiness, because everyone deserves to live their best life. No one deserves to be depressed and miserable, or even settling when they know they could do better. And, it could be an even sadder situation when a person stops realizing the things that they do deserve. There was a time when I was stopped realizing, so it is only right that I do my best to not sit up and watch others go through the same. I simply just want everybody to LIVE... and not just live with no purpose, with no happiness, with no aspirations. But, to live and have fun, live and be on the edge, live and have purpose, live and..... live with no regrets.
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