Save yourself for someone that deserves it. Protect yourself by all means. Get on birth control. Losing your virginity hurts. You give off a piece of yourself and emotions with each person that you sleep with. And... today I heard, to understand my cycle enough to the point where I never allow myself to have unprotected sex ten days after my cycle because those are the days where I am most prone to getting pregnant and the ultimate goal is to NOT get pregnant until I get financially stable, get my degrees, and get a ring on my finger. You know how older people just talk? And sometimes you wanna sit up and hear the hours worth of wisdom, while other times you try to find any and every excuse to get out of it. Today, I took the time to hear it, understand it, and think of how to apply it. I got a lot of information today, with some of it meant for me to share, and other parts of it... I am just going to keep to myself because its a part of my own personal message. Anyways, this older man explained to me, today, the whole concept of protection in addition to the idea of being a princess. He looked at me and said that I am one, and I should carry myself as one. Not everything / everyone deserves access to my jewels. And... if I want men to respect me and act accordingly, I have to set some type of boundaries and expectations for them to do so. Not only that, but a major part of proper princess treatment is being cautious of the people that you keep around you. He told me then to pay attention to how people own up to their fault in things and whether or not they take ownership. If a person can never admit to any of their wrongdoings, as in their fault in things and not just blaming the other person, then how can you expect them to be honest with you and admit things to you? We have to start thinking and considering the bigger picture of things because common sense is right in front of us, while we choose to be blind to it. I appreciated my conversation with this older man because he was a realist. There was no bias within the conversation about anything, because he saw the truth in things without letting emotions or anything get in the way of relaying the message. Us younger people have a problem with moving too fast, and these are my own words. We move so fast with relationships, trying to make things happen, living in general... we simply move too fast to catch these moments of wisdom like I had, today and we miss out on so much. If I would have kept walking and missed out on that conversation, I wouldn't have the knowledge that I have now to go about situations better... Growing up, every year for Halloween for most of my youth, I was Cinderella. I envied everything that being a princess was and when I imagined my wedding, marriage, and some other things... I saw it as if I was a princess. The fact that I chose Cinderella for most of those years speaks volumes. The fact that I was intrigued by fantasy stories and romances speaks volumes because that was all that I ever wanted. One of the faults about wanting something like that so bad like I always have is that... you rush the process and go out trying to force it to happen. Honestly, I think that is why my last relationship lasted so long because that was the only fairytale that I saw happening for me. At that table, today, this man asked me have I ever been in love. Maybe last year if you would've asked me that question, I would have had a different response regardless of my pain... but, today, I hesitated. I had always told everyone that I had my first love, already, but he challenged everything that I thought I knew. When I hesitated, he told me that I hadn't been, and here is where the wisdom and knowledge came in. So, this man told me that if I am not still affected by this person, emotionally intertwined by this person, thinking of this person... and some more things, I was never in love... because true love never dies whether you are with that person or not. If I experienced true love, I would still be pressed regardless of being single since September and I have not been. And you know how you are in love? Just think about it for a second because I had to. I was told that... you know you are in love if you treat a person like how you treat your money. What he meant was... do you save your money and handle it with responsibility? Or, do you spend irresponsibly? Do you work hard for it? Do you just loan your money to anybody or are you specific with it? Where do you keep your money? Is it in a safe and protected place? Just sit up and think about how you handle your money and apply it to your relationship and then you will get your own answer. There is something about the conversations that you have with the elderly that are some of the most insightful conversations that you will ever have in life. And sometimes, I am guilty of trying to cut those conversations short just because I don't want to invest in the time, but ... am I really that busy, though? I look back now thinking that maybe I just was not ready to receive the message. These older people have LIVED and they have learned all these things about life that are meant to be passed down to us in hopes that we pass it along too, and how can we pass anything along and continue on with their great values if we are always saying that we are too busy. They sit up in local fast food restaurants at the same place, in the same spot, everyday and I feel like they are there waiting just to have some type of conversation to pass down these lessons. I will now start stopping to listen.
Girlfriends was by far one of the best television shows that I grew up watching, and still watch to this day... and when I think about the type of women/social circle that I would like to be around, Joan, Toni, Mya, and Lynn is exactly what it would look like. I remember starting off the sixth grade and traveling up until high school with a huge social circle filled with all these different types of girls and young women with varied personalities, values, and beliefs. Throughout that time, my social circle remained large, but there were some tweaks here and there and some people were not meant to last. What I mean is, we outgrow some relationships, we drain out some relationships, and we sometimes stop putting forth the effort to keep up effective relationships. Over the course of those years, I developed a lot of meaningful relationships and developed a slight sense of what type of people I wanted to be surrounded by. One of the major adjustments that I had throughout graduat...
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