Growing up, my parents pretty much provided my sister and I with all the designer clothes, latest game systems, and latest things in general because they wanted to give us the things that they never had. Therefore, I never really had to want for things too long without my parents getting them if my behavior, grades, and household chores were okay. But, no matter how many pairs of UGGS, all the Polo shirts, Buckle items that I had back in high/middle school... a Michael Kors purse was always the thing that I wanted, but never really got. Once my Christmas lists changed from Bratz dolls to clothes and shoes, I would always write somewhere near the top "Michael Kors", but my parents never got it. They got my UGGS, boots, clothes.... everything else but that purse and since middle school, I was convinced to get one. I just bought myself a Michael Kors yesterday, and it was an accomplishment to me more than you could possibly assume. I worked throughout high school, and most of my college career and I have never been in a financial state where I felt comfortable splurging without feeling guilty for it. Not to say that I didn't have it, but I am not the type to just spend spend spend, and I have checkpoints when it comes to my bank accounts. Yes, bank accounts. Once I hit those checkpoint numbers, I start budgeting more than normal because there are certain numbers that I just don't want to get under. For example, lets say you have $5,250 in your account, and you know that you do not want to get under $5,000 in that account …. therefore, your goal would probably be to work around a $250 budget until your next pay check because you do not want to go below that checkpoint number. You know what I mean? This is how it is for me. So, I finally got to saving enough in my accounts over the past year to where I wanted to treat myself to this purse. I've bought other shoes and clothes matching the price of this purse, but I wasn't going to purchase this purse until I really felt accomplished and independent in my finances. And, for the past week, I determined that I have and it was time. I went to Marshalls with Kat last week and saw this purse and I kept going back after work up until yesterday to look at this exact purse to see if it was still there, and it was … every single time. I think that one of the major things that I have learned within adulthood is that, those days of going out and shopping with every single check you get, become slimmer as you take on more responsibilities. If you are budgeting, saving, and prioritizing correctly within your finances, you understand what I am saying. Yes, I could have the money for this purse every time I get paid, but does that mean get a Michael Kors every pay check? No. Because.... I have bills. There is a $109 car insurance, a $140 phone bill, there are other little expenses that add up too because I'm always signing up for something... so, I don't consider it smart to just spend on everything you see when you see it. And, if you have a car, you'll know the importance of always putting something to the side because the condition of a car can be perfect one day and a flat tire can happen the next. And, that couple of hundred that you spent on Jordans could have been used to get that new tire, now you're down double the money. I budgeted, sacrificed, and stayed strategic in order to get this purse. I passed up on some outtings, skipped out on buying some pair of shoes, whatever it is... just to get to a state of financial security... and, although it might be something small to you, it is huge to me because I watched myself get realistic and mature with my money. My parents can tell you that, as a child, I spent my allowance every time I got it and my sister saved way better than me. Hell, I was broke all the time and they could've just given me an allowance two days ago. I might have been cute going to school, but hell, I was pissed that I bought an outfit when my mom took me and my sister somewhere and I didn't have any money. You know? I can finally say that I have learned. I have failed financially, I have won, and now, I am pleased.
Girlfriends was by far one of the best television shows that I grew up watching, and still watch to this day... and when I think about the type of women/social circle that I would like to be around, Joan, Toni, Mya, and Lynn is exactly what it would look like. I remember starting off the sixth grade and traveling up until high school with a huge social circle filled with all these different types of girls and young women with varied personalities, values, and beliefs. Throughout that time, my social circle remained large, but there were some tweaks here and there and some people were not meant to last. What I mean is, we outgrow some relationships, we drain out some relationships, and we sometimes stop putting forth the effort to keep up effective relationships. Over the course of those years, I developed a lot of meaningful relationships and developed a slight sense of what type of people I wanted to be surrounded by. One of the major adjustments that I had throughout graduat...
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