Since the time I could first talk and be able to understand words and phrases, I have been told that I was going to college. I was pushed academically, scrutinized for not being at my best academically, and praised for all academic achievements all in hopes of getting me to being on this campus, with these books, pursuing this degree. I don't think that our parents, friends, and other family members truly understand what it is like to go through the college experience in this day and age, especially with most of them not even having that opportunity to go to begin with. They don't understand the social challenges that we face to fit in and find our place. They don't understand the challenges of wanting to call home for help when faced with a financial burden, but fighting yourself not to because you are 18+ in college and everyone expects you to just "figure it all out". They don't understand the struggles of dating in college and making friends and realiz...
The past few days, people have been trying me, yet I have provided them with opportunities to change that. Today, I decided to take the initiative to cut off my "best friend" due to her no longer being fit to have that role anymore. Was the decision hard? Far from it. I say that... if you allow people the opportunity to come back into your life from a previous mishap, and they did not learn from it from not having you present in their life then, then they are not fit to be a part of your life. I do not grieve over losses of people in that manner anymore because I make decisions that are going to be best for me. If it is best for me to cut ties with people that I have known for years, so be it. Whether it is friends, family, whoever... because you will not have a place in my life where you choose to be toxic. We are not going to speak on the countless nights where you called and I was the only one there to talk to. We are not going to speak on how you questioned whether you w...